An Audience with Digital Operations

From building web pages, to running analytics reports, life is seldom static in the world of Audience and Digital


06/14/2024 | Oliver Norbury

The sensation that washes over you as you approach the completion of a 10,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, only to discover the last piece eluding your grasp… Well, it somewhat mirrors the void left in the absence of a proficient Audience and Digital Team. In essence, we embody the end – and crucial – phase of the production journey. Editors weave their narratives, production orchestrates the assembly of publishers’ material, and designers craft captivating visual assets, but it falls upon us – the Digital Team –  to collate these efforts into a harmonious whole. Tasked with the construction and delivery of the content that graces your screen, be it a newsletter or an article, we realize the efforts of each and every department to bring you a finished piece – a coming together of hard work and attention to detail from a long chain of devoted contributors.

Using digital platforms, such as Bloomreach and TYPO3 (to name just a couple), gives us access to a wide range of tools that help us with the goal of digital delivery. The importance of a functional backend server cannot be understated; it allows us to construct hundreds of pages in any given week without compromising on time. In turn, this allows us to generate constant and reactive content across multiple brands without disruption to the workflow. Naturally, using technology in this way is not without its setbacks, and we may sometimes find ourselves at the mercy of a slow server from a third party or a faulty piece of code. But that’s nothing we can’t handle of course!


In addition to the challenging task of coordinating our website, we also shoulder the responsibility of conveying the performance metrics of our web pages and emails. Maintaining client satisfaction – a cornerstone of Texere’s operations – necessitates transparency; we are charged with showcasing the success of client campaigns, whether in our newsletter placements or sponsored articles on our brand websites. Performance reporting is a pivotal pillar in our job description; it is certainly essential for existing clients, but robust metrics also provides our sales team with the assurance they need to attract new clients.

How do we optimize performance across the products we sell? Well, that’s where the audience element enters the fray. At Texere, we are able to tailor an audience to a client’s requests – be it across a geographical range, an area of expertise, or topic of interest. Our fantastic Audience and Insights Analyst, Jamie Hall, and our Salesforce and Audience Systems Manager, Jody Fryett, are well versed in this area. Here, they provide some insight from behind their respective dashboards.

Jamie Hall, Audience and Insights Analyst

Describing my role as an Audience and Insights Analyst at Texere is often challenging, given the intricate complexities inherent in analyzing audience behavior across diverse sectors. Working for Texere, a publishing company that spans various scientific and healthcare domains, demands adaptability and a keen eye for detail. One moment, I may find myself dissecting audience demographics to craft targeted campaigns for The Medicine Maker, which is aimed at professionals in drug development and manufacturing. The next, I could be delving into the performance metrics of an article on The Ophthalmologist – perhaps comparing engagement levels between cataract surgery and glaucoma advances.

“Operating within the ever-evolving landscape of digital analytics presents its own set of hurdles. Technological advancements constantly reshape our methodologies – as seen with Google’s recent transformation of its Analytics package. In my role, I am tasked not only with staying abreast of these changes but also with identifying opportunities for improvement within our digital operations. Whether it’s refining segmentation strategies or optimizing email marketing journeys, I am driven by a relentless pursuit: maximizing audience engagement. In truth, every day at Texere presents a new opportunity to innovate and refine our strategies!”

Jody Fryett, Salesforce & Audience Systems Manager

Whether I am conducting a routine, scheduled task or responding to any one of a 100 different types of request, there is always something going on in my day-to-day – a report to be created here, a contact list to be exported there. Maybe transitioning data to facilitate staffing changes or updating settings in Exponea for an approaching campaign, my focus is rarely on a single task for any length of time.


“Though there are many different areas that require my attention, the greatest percentage of my time is spent inside a customer relationship management (CRM) system called Salesforce. This engine sits at the heart of some of our most important processes, quietly creating and distributing information to clients and internal teams alike. Ensuring uninterrupted service is essential. From building and implementing major upgrades, to the countless, minor back-end tweaks that nobody ever sees, the task of keeping our Salesforce system healthy and up to date is a constant (and rewarding) challenge.


“Most recently, I have been focused on the introduction of automations into many of our processes with a view to saving time and improving data quality. Coupled with AI exploding onto the scene, the possibilities for automation and efficiencies seem endless! 


“We have many ideas and projects in the pipeline covering many areas, including some with a specific view to improving UX and general performance improvements in Salesforce. All this – plus our integration with the Conexiant family – mean that we are living in exciting times indeed!”

Oliver Norbury

Digital Producer at Texere Publishing